Denny Sinnoh's "Akihabara Starlight"

Posts tagged ‘Lucy Sinnoh’

Lucy’s Pokémon Sword and Shield Nicknames: Part 2 — The Galar Team

I am very proud of my young neice Lucy Sinnoh.  The little lady has been busy leveling up her Galar Pokemon, trying to get all of her team up to level 100. Here is a quick peek at her recent team members. I did help her with some of the names and cultural references.

Lucy chose Scorbunny as her starter. She kept it in baby form. She also used a Gold Bottle Cap to hypertrain it. It may be still pre-evolved form, but the little bunny can hold its own with any Pokémon in the Tournaments.

Boltund was caught as Yamper. The incorrigible little yapper stayed with Lucy most of her adventure.

Lucy caught a girl Chewtle and named it “TheMunchies” due to her biting skills.  This Drednaw was also employed as Lucy’s main “False Swiper” and Pokémon catcher.

KnightFlight (a Corvinight) was raised from a little Rookidee through Corvisquire. Unfortunately, its Corvinight form does not GigantaMax. This loyal knight was often used in battles where she had a type-disadvantage. It was Hypertrained for each stat as a reward for its loyalty.

Lucy needed a Grass-type, and caught a Gossifleur which soon evolved up to Eldegoss with the help of some Experience Candies. This grass type flower evolved. Lucy is like me, she likes her grass types to have a very strong Special Attack. I suggested that Lucy name him “Green Revolution” after the famous global food production miracle. Unfortunately, that is too many letters. Green-Revolt still sounds kinda revolutionary.

Lucy caught a lot of fish Hulbury trying to get an Arrowcuda with good stats. This one evolved into Barraskewda. At first Lucy tried naming the fish as they were caught. I suggested that she just put them all in a box and have the Galar Name Rater change them all later. You can change a name from your box now, it does not have to be in your party. Yet another of the privileges of the Galar Region. What do you name a Barracuda with a spinning-torpedo tail. In fact, its Hidden Ability is Propeller Tail.  I like to name them after Caribbean island imagery. “Barbados” is a tough name.  Names like “Bahama” “Bahama Yama” or “Bermuda” are cool. Lucy named it “Bermudashort” because she says I look ridiculous in them. To be short — as in a short temper — may be characteristic of these angry little fish. I named this cigar-shaped fish “Just-A-Cigar“. Touche Lucy.

Fortunately, the little RolyColy she caught had the “Flame Body” ability. I suggest naming females a name like “D.Motherload”, after the mining jargon. When “Motherload” evolved she became the main egg-hatcher while biking and battling through the wild area. So many ice-types succummed to this firery rock! She usually holds a Quick Claw, so ice never stands a chance. Many a Max Raid was carried out with her combo of Rock, Fire, Ground and Fighting moveset.

Lucy caught several of these fire-bug types. I think that they are one of the more interesting new Galar Pokémon. Sizzlipede and Centiskorch are a kind of Chinese Dragon, only it is a centipede. (I must say … good call GameFreak! You have NOT run out of ideas.) Lucy almost always named these after some type of Asian Stir-Fry. Later, she could a Gigantamax version who she named “DanDanNoodles“. Lucy would never let me cook up one of her fire centipedes.  I bet that “tastes like chicken” would be appropriate. Speaking of that, I have noticed that whenever I search the “Asian” Tag here on WordPress, all I ever see are stir-fry recipes and porn advertisements … and yes, I digress once again.

This post is getting a little long, so I will just show you some more of Lucy’s team next week.

Lucy’s Pokémon Sword and Shield Nicknames: Part 1

Readers: I have been very slow about posting new Pokémon Nicknames recently. I wanted to take-on a partner, and who better than my “niece” Lucy Sinnoh.

Lucy and her Mum are originally from Valor Lakefront, SR. I knew (cough) Lucy’s Mum when she worked as a cocktail waitress at the Seven Stars Restaurant at Hotel Grand Lake, I tried to help out the struggling single mum and her pretty young daughter as much as I could. Times were tough. We stayed home and played Diamond and Pearl a lot.They moved to Galar a few years ago. Good that they did, as Lucy has become the new Galar Champion! Here is her trainer card:

I’m so proud of her and how well she grew up. She’s a Pokémon Champ, plus the little lady can cook up a great curry!

I also like teaming up with Lucy for new Pokémon Nicknames, because many of names are from cultural references from decades past. Many younger players in search of nicknames might not “get” or appreciate my generation’s names. Many of the nicknames you will be reading about on this blog will be Lucy’s idea.

Denny: Lucy – I will still help you with the naming Lucy …

Lucy: OK Boomer. (giggles)

Denny: “OK Boomer” … What? … that quip again? Wait … “OK Boomer” might just be a great name for a Drampa!

Sword and Shield has made a few changes to the nicknaming system. There is an important change for users who choose to view/use nicknames. As the Name-Rater in any Pokécenter will tell you — trainers may change the name of a Pokémon already nicknamed by its previous trainer. You do only get one chance. Once you change the name of a traded Pokémon it has to stick forever. The 12 letter space format continues. However, I have noticed that the various symbols available in previous generations are no longer available. Darn it! No “Heart” symbol anymore? Also, I have noticed that if a Pokémon comes in from the Surprise Trade in of another language, the name cannot be changed. (Please leave a note in the comment section if you know otherwise.)

Starlight: Yeah, she takes after her Mum.

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